Web Factory Desktop - Keyboard Shortcuts

Web Factory provides you with keyboard shortcuts to accomplish the following:

Keyboard shortcuts showing a " + " require that you hold down the first key while pressing the second key.

Keyboard ShortcutDescription
Switching between Web Factory Windows
Ctrl + TabSelects the next open window in Web Factory. With each successive press of this key combination, selects another open window, cycling through all windows currently open, including preview, source, frame, and image windows. Especially useful for switching back and forth between the preview view and source view of a file.
Editing Text
EnterInserts a paragraph break at the cursor position. A paragraph break inserts a line of blank space between the prior paragraph and the new paragraph.
Ctrl + EnterInserts a line break at the cursor position. A line break forces the text after the break to the line immediately below.
DelDeletes the currently selected text or element. If nothing is selected, deletes the character to the right of the text cursor.
Selecting Text & Elements
Shift + left arrowSelects text and elements to the left of the cursor.
Shift + right arrowSelects text and elements to the right of the cursor.
Shift + up arrowSelects a full line of text, including elements, from left of the cursor up to the same position on the line above.
Shift + down arrowSelects a full line of text, including elements, from right of the cursor down to the same position on the line below.
Shift + EndSelects text and elements from the cursor to the end of the line.
Shift + HomeSelects text and elements from the cursor to the beginning of the line.
Shift + PgUpSelects a screen-full of text and elements from the left of the cursor up.
Shift + PgDnSelects a screen-full of text and elements from the right of the cursor down.
Cursor movement
Ctrl + right arrowMoves the cursor to the beginning of the next word.
Ctrl + left arrowMoves the cursor to the beginning of the prior word.
Ctrl + HomeMoves the cursor to the beginning of the file.
Ctrl + EndMoves the cursor to the end of the file.
HomeMoves the cursor to the beginning of the line.
EndMoves the cursor to the end of the line.
Up arrow,
Down arrow
Moves the cursor up or down one line. In a table, moves the cursor to the cell above or below the current one.
Right arrow,
Left arrow
Moves the cursor one character to the right or the left. These keys allow the cursor to "jump over" an end or start tag; exit a type style, such as bold; or, a hyperlink, so the next text that is typed is not formatted in that style.In a table, moves the cursor one character at a time through each cell and to adjoining cells.
Selecting Menu Options
Alt + (underlined letter on menu)Selects the corresponding menu and menu option. For example, pressing Alt + V + H would open the View menu and select "View HTML Source". When the right-click pop-up menu is open, pressing the underlined letter selects that option.
Ctrl + NCreates a new file. Displays the New box, which allows you to choose which type of file to create: Web page, Frame page or image.
Ctrl + OOpens an existing file. Displays the Open box, which allows you to choose a file to open.
Ctrl + SSaves the current file. If the file has not previously been saved, displays the Save As box, which allows you to choose a location, file name, and file type to which to save the file.
Ctrl + PPrints the current file. Displays the Print box, which allows you to choose print settings, such as printer, number of pages to print, and number of copies to print.
Ctrl + ZUndoes the last action.
Ctrl + XCuts the current selection. This removes the selection from the Web page and places it on the Windows clipboard. It can then be pasted from the clipboard into the same or another Web page.
Ctrl + CCopies the current selection. This places a copy of the selection on the Windows clipboard. It can then be pasted from the clipboard into the same or another Web page.
Ctrl + VPastes the contents of the Windows clipboard.
Ctrl + FFinds text. Displays the Find box, which allows you to type the text you want Web Factory to find in the current file.
Ctrl + HReplaces text. Displays the Replace box, which allows you to specify the replacement you want, and select which instances should be replaced in the current file.
Ctrl + YAfter using Undo, the Redo command repastes or deletes the previous undo action.
Ctrl + RView the HTML source view.
F7Run Spell Check.
EnterInserts a paragraph break at the cursor position. A paragraph break inserts a line of blank space between the prior paragraph and the new paragraph.
Ctrl + EnterInserts a line break at the cursor position. A line break forces the text after the break to the line immediately below.
DelDeletes the currently selected text or element. If nothing is selected, deletes the character to the right of the text cursor.

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This Web page created in Web Factory.